Thursday, June 26, 2008

10th day.....June 27,2008

This is the last day of graphic and animation subject, I am so very happy, because I learn too much regarding this task. But this day I was absent because of some important matters, I hope Mr. Dosejo understand me in this situation. And also thank you sir for teaching us. God Bless You and good luck to your job. Thank you very many..........

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

9th day......June 26,2008

This is the day of continueing the exercises about the photo shop editting. I creat the last exercises to be uploaded at my yahoo, it is a free style in this exercise we can creata two different styles.,atlast i finish my work......

8th day.......June 25,2008

The 8th day of school
Yesterday we create a photo shop exercises, first the face edtting,has a two exercises, I am lucky because i finished four exercises yesterday that is a two exercises of face editting and two environment editting. I am so very happy even the connection of internet is slow.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24,2008

June 24,2008
This is the working day about photo shop,but at this day Mr. Dosejo gie some tips how to create a photo editting. I think this is difficult but i try my best to do this photo shop editting.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

...june 23,2008

June 23,2008
This is the day that we enjoying ourself in using computer at a different way.Me and my fellow classmates has its own work...but me i'm just setting pretty lng jud.......i don't know what am i doing right now...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

5th day.......june 20,2008


Atlast this is the day that all the task I finish regarding this coral draw exercises.
I'm very very happy jejejejejejeje............
Very much thank you to you sir,because you challenge me.....jejejejeje
that's all thank you because very aga kmi ngdismiss, i don't f what's the problem.............laag2 njud ko.........

4th day...June 20,2008


hmmmmf... This is the day where we gonna work our next exercises. I love this day because I finish my task without 'LIBOG'
but tired,tired because my brain is over used how to create a beautiful background in my news letter. Now it is over,co'z i finish nahhhhhh......
God Bless U All.........

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

3rd day...june 19,2008

This is the working day of our exercises in corel draw. Each of one is free to select what is the first to do the task that given from Mr.Dosejo. Teacher say that each of one create a business card,news letter,free style and the last one is certificates. But i chose the certificate to do.Atlast i've made it,and i'm very happpppyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008



My second day of school it is so very interisting for me, because Mr. Dosejo tackle about the other topic of graphic and animation. But sad to say I feel disappointed, because I can't understand some topics regarding this matter because I feel sleepy,but I try all my best to cover up even it is difficult for me,honestly but totally enjoy. I hope that other days I can understand very well.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

1st day june 16,2008

The 1st day in school

June 16,2008,this is the 1st day of school. I'am excited,because I'm going to meet my old classmates and friends and also meet the new faces of transferres her in our school. At exactly 1 o'clock the class started, then Mr. Dosejo is the instructor of my first subject it is a Computer Graphic and Animation. I think that this subject is really interisting,challenging and fun.